
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Turkeys & Christmas decorations


We began our week with an early start to Truth in the Tinsel.  The Piwi's definitely weren't complaining about the chance to fit more fun and learning into our advent season.  Mini Piwi loved making the crown and Mary because it in involved lots of sparkle. We have a little tree that we are adding the decorations to.

One of the exciting parts of moving for the Piwi's is the chance to visit and Join another Library. We have a pretty good collection of Library cards!  We made a trip to get our first Christmas themed books and ended up with some Thanksgivings themed ones too. Nothing like a bit of crossover!

Mini Piwi's favorite was 'Setting the turkeys free' by W. Nickola-Lisa & Ken Wilson-Max.
It is about a little boy who takes the classic 'turkey hand print' and uses his imagination to make a cute adventure for his new feathered friends.
We are still reading this over and over. I am hopeful that I will get to unpack the boxes with the paint and glitter this weekend so we can make our own version of the art work the little boy makes.
update: Setting the Turkey free craft

Mini Piwi still asks most days to Play with the Cuisanaire rods. Here she is sorting them into colors. We also sorted them by size, although this week it was not enough for her to sort by big or small. She was recognizing that there were some that were not big or small. So we added 'medium' and 'middle' to her vocab. Mini Piwi was finding Medium things everywhere!

Over the long weekend we moved again, not too big of a road trip for us but our Furniture took a cross state trip and The Piwi's were reunited with their toys when the moving truck arrived. After 3 months without her little Kitchen she spent a lot of time preparing 'snacks' for everyone this week. 

Puzzles before bed. 
Our Favorite Christmas Book this week:
 Waiting for Christmas: A Story about the Advent Calendar by Kathleen Long Bostrom. It tells the story of a young boy in 19th Century Germany who is impatient for Christmas day to arrive. His Father points out how the world had to wait for Jesus to be born and how even Jesus had to wait for his first gifts. His Mother helps him find a way to make waiting 'sweeter'. It was a great way to introduce the Advent 'countdown' and it's meaning to little ones and the pictures are warm and colorful. I am definitely going to see if I can find the other Christmas books by Ms. Bostrom

Tonight the Piwi's got to open their first window in their very own advent calendar
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