Friday, June 14, 2013

Bacon Slippers for Fathers' Day

The kids asked Piwi Daddy what he would like for Fathers' day and he said he would like some new slippers. Here are the ones he got for Christmas... or what is left of them.

and here is the slipper bandit.

We decided to get some basic flip flop which could withstand an occasional chew if Butter manages to get hold of them. Not very exciting....

Thankfully I was inspired by Diana's Coffee Mug makeover at Diana Rambles. Who knew you could get Bacon themed Duct tape! Piwi Daddy is a huge bacon fan so we decided to make him some bacon flip flops.

The kids would have liked to cover the whole shoe but I just did the upper part.

It went on surprisingly smoothly and I was careful not to leave any rough edges to irritate a toe or two.

The kids reckon he is going to love them!

