
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sewing Sheep puppets

Miss K is desperate to learn how to sew. She told me last week she needed to know so she can make up her own fashion designs. I was about to explain that it wasn't that simple, untill I realized that this was not what my Mum and Nana did. For my seventh birthday my Nana and Grandad gave me a sewing set full of real needles, thread & fabric - the works. That same week I made a dress for my sister. It wouldn't have lasted five minutes on her in public but I was proud of myself.

In the last week or so I have been thinking about that gift and realising that this is something I want my girls to have. Maybe not the sewing kit just yet, but I want to pass down the legacy of creativity my Nana and Mum gave to me. All I have to do now is figure out what form that will take.We all need to start somewhere so this week I started to teach Miss K some basic stitches. I am hoping that just by sitting next to us, watching and 'helping'  Mini Piwi will absorb some of the creativity like I did sitting next to my Mum cross stitch or hearing my Nana's sewing machine whirring in the sewing room.

Going with this week's Sheep theme ,we made a Lambie sock puppet. Thanks to Daddy for the old sock donation.
I decided it was best to be prepared and had previously cut out the Sheep ears, nose and tongue from pink and white felt. I didn't have large googly eyes in my supplies so I made those from Sticky backed felt.
Mini Piwi was in charge of the eyes and modelling the puppets while we worked out where Miss K was going to sew on the parts.
Miss K stitched the ears with a running stitch and I showed her how to do a satin stitch to outline the noses. Overall the lesson was a success, the Piwi's made a couple of very cute sock puppets! Apparently tomorrow we are moving onto Valentines day fashions for teddy bears....