
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Coral reef unit and Make a Splash review

Our house has been full of sea creatures for the last two weeks. Miss K has been working on an Coral reef unit. Mini Piwi had her O is for Ocean theme last week and a P is for Pet (including fish) theme this week.

Miss K's unit centered around a Finding Nemo Science and literature pack from Engaging lessons. She was pretty happy to be watching a movie as part of a lesson. We also have a copy of a read a long version of Nemo. Miss K used this to refer to when she worked on her report on the movie.

To learn some more about the Great barrier reef (where Nemo lives) we also added some components from the Coral reef lapbook @ Homeschool share. It would be an amazing place to see!
Make A Splash (Free Sprit Publishing RRP $13.95)
We also had the opportunity to review a digital copy of 'Make a splash' by Cathryn Berger Kaye and Phillippe Cousteau (Environmental advocate and grandson of the one and only Jacques-Yves Cousteau). It is a guide for kids about how to protect the Oceans, lakes and wetlands. The suggested reading level is Grade 3+ but it appealed to Miss K who is all about animals. It begins by introducing us to the concept of 'service learning'. This involves extending learning with community service projects. Personally I though this was awesome. We have read books about the environment before and after learning about the animals and ecosystems Miss K often asks what we can do to help. This book explains about helping before you find out what needs to be done. I definitely think it would make an excellent resource to most libraries -at home or otherwise.

Disclaimer:I received a digital copy of  Make a Splash, in exchange for an honest review to be submitted to Free Spirit Publishing via Netgalley.Com. I will not receive any monetary compensation from nor Free Spirit publishing. The links to amazon do contain affiliate links where I do receive a small commission for any purchases made through this link.

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