
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mini Piwi's July 4th project

Mini Piwi is now 30.5 months

Last night while I was reading with Miss K, I overhead Daddy Piwi and Mini Piwi talking about apple pies and melons. After we finished a book, curiosity got the better of me and I poked my head around the door of the dining room. Mini Piwi was instructing Daddy to cut pictures from a grocery store flyer. When we got some time later I made her a little book and she stick all her pictures into it and made her 'picnic'. Today she carried it everywhere in her little carry bag we made for Summer Family bible time at our Parish.
 Talking of Family Bible time, Mini Piwi overcame her shyness this week and danced with big sis and the other big kids. Her fav activity still remains coloring the picture sheets with the crayons they have. Why are other peoples/toys/books so much more exciting than the one's you have at home?

This week we got some pictures of our outdoor fun  because I finally packed the camera!

We collected all our stickers together during a re-organizing of art supplies and Mini Piwi is making all sorts of things and we are finding them (all over).

Working on a Mickey mouse puzzle

My fav Pic this week!