
Friday, July 5, 2013

6 different ways to explore Feelings with Preschoolers

The week before Mini Piwi did this unit, she had mastered the potty. While we were hanging out in the bathroom (while she did what she was there for) we had a lot of time to talk about how proud she was feeling. I remembered pinning a Feeling tot book from 1+1+1=1 and realized that this would be the perfect time to print it out.

The tot book is sooo cute and Mini Piwi really enjoyed adding the correct 'feelings' face to the characters as I read out the pretend scenarios.

While we waited for Big Sis to finish her math we made an impromptu paper plate face. The mouth was attached with a metal brad so it could be happy or sad. It seemed to bother Mini Piwi a bit and eventually she glued it so it could only look happy.
Mini Piwi loves making and supervising me making her snacks. Here is her smiley face yogurt....
...And a Heart smiley chocolate peanut butter bread....the mouth she decided should be made out of nori after we had  'sushi'' for lunch. Her version of sushi is seaweed wrappers and rice.

Mini Piwi praticised her cutting skills with this simple matching craft. The shapes are pre printed on the contruction paper we bought. I just drew some feelings faces and made some label to describe how the feelings they showed. Mini Piwi taped them to the different shapes and then added the correct labels.

We had great fun with this unit and it is something that we hope to expand on in the future! What are some of the ways you have explored feelings with your little ones?