
Friday, January 18, 2013

P for Pet Sensory box -yes that one!

I came up with this idea for a sensory bin but I was hesitant to actually do it. This was not because I wondered if Mini Piwi would enjoy it. I knew she would. We talk about delight directed learning but does that involve indulging a 3 year old's sense of humor (about poop)?

This week I discovered two expired boxes of pasta in the back of the pantry and I noticed the cardboard tray from the mandarins was still in the recycling bin. Apologies to the inventor of the sensory bin!

I present to you the Cat Litter box letter hunt...(complete with real cat).

Inside this box was lots of letter p's made from different materials like bubble wrap, pipe cleaners, card, paper and Aluminum foil.
The pasta was supposed to be the 'cat litter'. The letters were buried the 'litter'. You can imagine what the Letters were supposed to represent. I bought Mini Piwi to the table and pretended I could smell a 'donation' from 'Fluffy'. Here is fluffy sitting waiting for us to clean her litter tray.
Mini Piwi put her gloves on and the went to work scooping

The gloves didn't last long bur Miss K was recruited to be the official trash bag holder

The Piwi's played did this together several times before we moved onto the slightly more appropriate Cat shape picture. Mini Piwi proudly showed Daddy her page and scooping skills when he came home. She was pointing out the letter P too so I think the poop scooping activity was a success. I did however remind her to leave the real litter scooping to me.
Shared with the new linky party....