Friday, October 5, 2012

B is for bugs and brown bear

We used parts of two themed printable units and related activities this week for the letter B. We were planning on using the rest of the bugs when we get to C for caterpillar....
Over summer Mini Piwi enjoyed the Brown Bear brown bear tot book so we pulled that back out again and she made a poster with the sequencing bears. She pointed out who each bear was supposed to be by size....

Sorting flowers and bugs

Bug identifying work box. She was pulling each bug out and trying to find it's picture in this cool book Grandma sent
Tracing shapes instead of eating lunch

Making snacks...

Doing her favorite puzzle again before bed
For the B flash card and traceables we used
B for Bear @ totally tots

Printable list
Brown Bear, Brown Bear tot pack from 1+1+1=1
Pretty bugs tot pack from 1+1+1=1

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exploring our Faith with the little flower

This year our family joined this amazing program called Generations of Faith. One of the projects was to set up a faith center in the living room. We did a bio study of St Therese and her 'little way' as her feast day was coming up that week. We displayed it for everyone to see and learn. Miss K enjoyed the idea that St Therese promised 'showers of roses'.

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As with any time we discuss saints I went over their role in our faith. I grow up as a protestant and was always told 'Catholics worship Mary and the saints, they make idols of the saints etc etc'.  As a young adult I began to ask questions about catholicism from my first employer who was to me a great role model in faith. Ultimately I converted through the RCIA program. It wasn't an instant thing, everyday I am working on becoming a better catholic. We have all made bad decisions growing up but where appropriate I think they can be used to guide our children to make their own better decisions. One regret I have was arming myself earlier with the confidence to speak about my faith. Even in the last few years, when 'friends' openly criticized the church and my faith (some incorrectly assumed I had converted for Piwi daddy) I wish now I had not just 'turned the other cheek'. I wish I had tried to explain that their assumptions about the catholic church were wrong and at times just plain ignorance. So here it is for my non catholic friends, this is what my children will be able to tell naysayers....'As Catholics we do not worship Mary, we do not Pray to her or the Saints in the why we Pray to God or Jesus. We are thankful for Mary (as mother of Jesus) and we ask them to Pray for us in the same way people might ask their friends to pray for them.' This is my simplified explanation for my kids so if you wanted a better version I would suggest starting here...
Miss K thought that everyone could get something for St Therese's little way.
"What matters in life, is not great deeds, but great love" St Therese, "Story of a Soul"

 Therese lived and taught a spirituality of attending to everyone and everything well and with love. She believed that just as a child becomes enamored with what is before her, we should also have a childlike focus and totally attentive love. Therese's spirituality is of doing the ordinary, with extraordinary love.

Notebooking pages for Saints

.We like using Weston Publishing's History scribe. All the Saints pages can be purchased separately for $1 or there are plenty of combo packages that are great deals. History-Scribe-Popular-Saints

There is also some free ones available

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