
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Piwi approved: Maple Teriyaki chicken

Sometimes I dread the thought of cooking chicken. There are only so many ways I can cook Piwi kid friendly chicken. It isn't just my boredom either. If I cook one style of food too often, the kids won't eat it anymore. I blame the Food network for teaching kids that it is ok to critique meals :-).  We should have known this would happen though. Miss K's favorite shows, at age 4, were Good Eats and Iron Chef. Her Pillow pet is named Alton (Brown dog).

We have about four 'go-to' baked chicken  recipes. but this week we needed another option. My inspiration for this new recipe was Honey Mustard Chicken. I found this particular version on Pinterest a while back and the Piwi's loved it.

I mixed up the flavors to make Maple teriyaki chicken. It turned out sticky and golden. Piwi Dad was all complements and the Piwi's ate without any critiques. Score! (or as Mini Piwi says Skort!).

Mini Piwi  enjoyed helping me coat the chicken with the marinade. She took a long time working with the silicone pastry brush. She even announced to Daddy that we were having 'Paint Chicken'.

Here is the recipe I used to make 'Paint Chicken'

8 (2 1/2 ounces each) chicken drumsticks
1/4 cup teriyaki sauce (I used Soy Vay very yaki teriyaki, see bottom of the post for picture)
1/8 cup maple syrup

1 table spoon olive oil
1 teaspoon  (could use lemon juice)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a shallow baking dish with foil –these stuff is pretty sticky. Place drumsticks, skin side up,  in pan. You can use a lined baking sheet, the pan just keeps your oven a bit cleaner from the splattering honey mix.

2. In a bowl, whisk together the sauce, syrup, oil, vinegar and black pepper. Brush the chicken with the mixture.

3. Bake about 45 mins, basting often with the remaining sauce mixture, until chicken is browned and juices run clear.

This sauce also works well on grilled Tilapia or Salmon.
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