
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Our Favorite Books this week

Most of the books this week are Christmas themed to complement our month long Unit studies. I blogged about these here. It's not too late to get your copy!

E-book and printables
We got our copy of the Amanda Bennet Christmas Study on sale for $6

Some of our top ten list we own and are annual family favorites. Others we found at the Library during our weekly visit.

A Turkey for Thanksgiving was one from the Library that I wish we had found earlier! It is about a group of Animals trying to track down a Turkey who has gone into hiding because he is convinced he is going to be Thanksgiving dinner not a Dinner guest. It is very cute and the Piwi's loved the twist at the end. Click on the picture to see the cute illustrations.

A little Camel is given an important package to carry on his long Journey to find a baby king. He and his Mama travel with 3 wise men following a brilliant Star. The paintings are beautiful and really make us realize how far these men travelled to find the Baby Jesus. It also got us talking about how Jesus was a king and they give him gifts as such, even though he didn't live in Palace or wear an earthly crown.

Anything Clifford is a family favorite!
We have The story of Mary board book version. We have had it since Miss K was tiny. It is a great introduction to the Nativity story and the kids love searching for the little mouse that is on each page.

The paintings in this book are so lifelike and the Kitty is like a mixture of all the Cats we know. The writing is like a long poem, describing all that kitty sees, hears and smells on Christmas eve and what he gets up to while his family are at church.

We watched the movie Arthur Christmas last week and it's storyline revolves around a line of Santa's that are descended from the first Santa, St Nicholas. It was nice to see a commercial movie trying to make a Christian connection to Santa. It inspired us to read even more about this generous Bishop that lived 300 years after Jesus was born. We also plan to celebrate the feast of St Nicholas with Crafts and Decorating our Family tree.

Piwi Mini especially loves lifting all the flaps to find cute surprises
 A pop up book we can sing along to...we were sold!
This was definitely the favorite this week as the Piwi's love all the Australian animals that appear in this cute, unconventional nativity play. Wombat has been waiting to be old enough to be in the Nativity, but is there a part he can play?

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Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers