
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Miss K's week of Drs, frogs and Advent

Miss K was busy for most of the week - trying to get well again. It seemed a lot like the pre thanksgiving virus she had. This time though we didn't let it take hold and took her off to the Dr on Day 2. The decongestant worked well and let her breath better and gave her tummy a rest -don't ask!
It did make her a bit foggy so she just read a lot and drew.

Not too many action shots this week of Miss K but here is a bit of what she got up to

She is nearing the end of her AB Christmas unit Study. This week we also added the mini books from the 1+1+1=1  Christmas symbols lapbook, into her Advent notebook. Here she is researching meanings.
She also made a photo frame craft she received for Mini Piwi's birthday (we practice a family tradition of giving small gifts to siblings too).  It involved flocking so it was a bit tricky but she did a great job.

This week we also looked at Frog anatomy as part of an amphibian lesson we missed in Science. Miss K did the closest thing that we will ever get to a dissection and looked at this cool model we found
After labeling the parts in her notebook, she had lots of questions about frog vs. human anatomy so we pulled out our books and compared them side by side.
Miss K also had an awesome week on completing nearly 2 hours and earning 14 medals. At-ta-way-to-go!