
Saturday, September 1, 2012

School at the DMV

With a move comes the inevitable trip to change the address on our licenses. It took 2 hours. Fortunately there was a big clean bright waiting area and the Piwis and I did lessons while 50 other people sat there looking bored. Miss K and I worked on her Math lesson while Mini Piwi did 'writing'. Then I did puzzles with Mini Piwi while Miss K did her mapping pages for the Intro to geography unit. We did break the rules (on the wall in red letters) and eats some snacks -yup that's me the rebel!

Now you might be thinking -wow how lucky could I be with my kids behaving so well! They managed to get all the way through that and then Miss K decided to get all brave and give her critique of my license photo. The man who took it, showed it to me, it was bad (arent they all?). He asked if I wanted to try a again and I go 'no it's fine' and Miss K gives me a look and says 'yes, you look bad'. The guy nearly chokes on a laugh and makes me take another.  I think we need that 'saying things in your head, not out loud' talk again. On the other hand, it is not often you get to see anyone smile in the DMV office. There is of course the luxury of not knowing anyone in a new town that makes you feel better in such situations.