
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Legend of the Bluebonnets unit

Miss K noticed that I had added some of the lapbooks and asked me to add a reading study we had done on The legend of the bluebonnet. We read and reread this story during the study, it seemed to really resonate with Miss K. It also led to a continuation of the study into the meaning of sacrifice and how it relates to some of the bible stories we had been reading. It was great to watch her interest and her taking the lead in her learning. Mini Piwi really liked the drawings of the doll and making bluebonnets....

We used the following resources:
 Lapbook templates for story outlines & character study

Sacrifices flap book @ +Homeschool Share

How I can help others circle, verse and sacrifice accordion book  @lapbook lessons

The story of a little girl's sacrifice for her people prompted a study on Sacrifice and needs vs. wants

A character comparsion
Story retelling, Plot outline

Ideas to help others and God's Sacrifice to us