
Monday, August 22, 2011

Piwi Classroom

Here what I came up with for this years workspace...I had some of it in place last week but then surprised the kids by completing after they went to bed the night before we began the semester. Miss K especially was thrilled. It is all centered around the dining room table.
Schedule and Work folders. . Each lesson for the day has it's own folder containing everything Miss K needs (except for the Laptop).  It is working well. Miss K can see how much has been completed and what still needs to be done before the end of her 'school day'.
The 'little table' for lessons we are all doing together like art, calender and circle time. Mini Piwi and I tend to do her activities here or on the floor (unless of course she is in the middle of the action where Miss K is).

Calender time board, Art gallery, Portable Whiteboard
This is where a giant bulletin board is going to be when Daddy finds the electric drill.
Resources and the secret stash of activities that Mini Piwi only gets to see during our lessons AKA the 'mo mo box of fun' . Mo mo being an nickname Miss K begin calling Mini Piwi when she was tiny.