
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pizza Pizza Pizza!

The Piwis got a chance to make pizza from scratch today. Miss K carefully measured all the ingredients for the dough and got that started in the breadmaker. The pizza itself wasnt too difficult to make. The hard part for the kids was all the waiting. We started mid afternoon so it would be ready for dinner but when you are craving pizza, waiting for two kneads, three rises and baking the thing is pretty difficult. the recipe we used for pizza dough

The Piwis 'decorated' their masterpiece together. One half was cheese for the piwis and the other half was grilled vege and shrimp for Mum and Dad.
The pizza turned out pretty good, the base of the cheese half was alot crispier than the vege half. The kids ate alot! Prehaps due to the fact the cheese topping wast thinner? Poor Daddy missed out on eating it straight of the oven but will still be able to enjoy the leftovers in a few hours.