Saturday, April 7, 2012

Elements of a story: sandwich graphic organizer

Instead of the usual graphic organizer we made a sandwich to describe the beginning, middle and end of a story. The bread is the cover, and each part of the plot is a seperate ingredient of the sandwich.
The story Miss K read and wrote about was 'The Guest' from Owl at home by Arnold Lobel. Miss K had no trouble reading the text and enjoyed the story especially the end where he makes winter leave. I loved the cute drawing and it reminded me of good old 'wise' owl from the Winnie the pooh books...

The templates I made for the sandwich are coming soon...

The card stock we use is Wausau creative. It is a good weight and stands up to more use than regular construction paper. We keep a lot of these kinds of projects out for review and Mini Piwi look at.

You might also like our other language arts projects:

